
Negativity is one of those things in life that doesn’t really serve much of a purpose. Pessimism, cynicism, gloom, complaints… what good are any of these for? It seems like it would be worthless and, yet, how powerful negativity is! Let’s take a look.

Yesterday, I woke up early as I always do. However, it was an hour after my usual wake-up time. I’d actually woken up only half an hour late. However, I made the mistake of letting my ego talk me back to sleep. Instantly, I found myself on that negative train.

First thought: “I’m so mad at myself!” And it could’ve so easily kept going downhill from there.

Instead, I used “The List” and got on with my “DMR”( daily morning routine) – both of which you can get access to here. I wrote in my journal: “I won’t continue the negative moment or (allow the) wave to go on or build. There’s no need for that. Thank You, Jesus, for teaching me to be kind to me, myself, and I at last.”

How often do we do start our day on the wrong foot and never get on the right one? My little ego-self, that little nagging voice, was literally at it from the moment I woke up!

Negativity Shows Up Everywhere

And, here’s the thing: negativity shows up everywhere if you let it. It’s not just in criticism but in apathy, hopelessness, self-hate, guilt, shame, and more! Dwelling on dark thoughts? Negativity. Negative self-talk. Negativity!

Negativity is so sneaky too! Lack of energy and enthusiasm seems noble enough, right? Truthfully, however, it’s negativity once again having its way with you! Any “should’ve, would’ve” moments of regret? Negativity having a field day on your time!

That’s why we have to be mindful of what we are thinking and feeling. Self-awareness is paramount in making the right choices in every way and, particularly, in cutting negativity off when it shows up. The moment I had that ONE thought – ONE – I was like, “Nah, baby! Nope!” The cut you off at the knees skill I have in this is elite!

Negativity Bias and Effect

So, here’s what to know and remember about negativity. We, humans, are built this way. We are hardwired for it!

All the studies – not to mention daily life – show us so. Bad news on TV? We’re like moths to a flame. Gossip about celebrities or even people we know? We’re right on it. Criticisms? That one negative comment in the midst of hundreds of praise? That’s the one we fixate on. Crazy but true!

Negativity bias (negativity effect), as it is called, is as real as day! It means that negative events have a greater impact on our brains than positive ones. However, that doesn’t mean we are powerless and cannot change how we see things.

The Purpose of Negativity

The purpose of negativity is the contrast it shows us. Whenever I see negative, I know there’s positive lurking somewhere in there. In some cases, it may be hard to see. But I promise you it’s always there.

And, as I always say, “Perspective Is King!” We have to look for the gold, the silver lining. All that takes is reframing matters from the positive end of the stick. Is the glass half-full or half-empty? That’s up to YOU to decide.

There’s much more that negativity allows us to discover. Start with stopping it in its tracks and reframing it though so that you can then take positive action instead.

All my love to you always,

Narah Valenska Smith - Writer - NarahValenska.com - Writing. Speaking. Heart to heart. Soul to soul. You Are Worthy. Remember Gravity. Life is too short and too beautiful to waste.

Narah Valenska
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving | #RockYourLife | #BornForThis

Tuesday, June 15th, 2021
7:48 AM
Miami, FL

P.S. The exciting news came out in my newsletter yesterday. Details will be revealed there today. Get on the list if you’d like to receive the email before the info appears on social media and have a great day! XOXO’s, N

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