
DAILY REAL BLOG - The Beauty of Imperfection by Life Writer Life Speaker Life Coach Narah Valenska Smith

A couple of years ago, my youngest son gave me this drawing which perfectly represents what I wanted to write about today: the beauty of imperfection. This topic came to me yesterday as I was writing my DailyReal blog 011 Simple Systems Are Key To Success. I don’t even remember now what I was thinking about per se that brought imperfection up to me but it’s a topic I dearly love.

Earlier this morning, as I was making my coffee and thinking about what I would be posting on my Instagram, I thought of Don’t Judge as my topic which pretty much goes hand in hand with this. This is how writing and creating occurs for me – organically. It is imperfect as it is not planned (I only have a general categories content calendar in place) but it’s perfect as it allows my self-expression to be creative and inspired instead of tedious and unoriginal.

For a person who tends to be a planner, I’m actually quite a free spirit. For a person who tends to be a perfectionist in a lot things, I tend to go with the flow and be just the opposite in just as many others. That’s the beauty of being human to me.

We are a composite of everything and have a little bit of both the positive and the negative in us. As different as we all think we are, people from all walks of life share this same basic humanity. This awareness ought to make us more accepting and compassionate of one another. Unfortunately, when we focus on the differences, we forget how to relate and judge each other mercilessly instead.

Perfection Nor Imperfection Really Exist

Judgment comes from a standard of what we think is good or acceptable. It comes from the mind, the ego. As such, it is based on separation and comparison. When we go for perfection, we are attempting to have zero flaws or defects of any kind. The problem with that is perfection doesn’t really exist. If you really think about it, you can see it is a silly endeavor which actually lacks the very judgment we seek to impart not to mention common sense.

What everyone and everything is is unconditionally perfect. As such, imperfection does not really exist either. You are not substandard or faulty somehow. You are not inferior in any real way. You are beautiful the way you are.

May we each – and as a race – focus more on expanding our perspective, reaching for personal excellence, and living not from judgment but from love instead. May the beauty of imperfection in ourselves, others, and world events continue to light the way to our changing, improving, maturing, and becoming our very best selves and all we are meant to.

All my love to you always,

Narah Valenska Smith - Writer - NarahValenska.com - Writing. Speaking. Heart to heart. Soul to soul. You Are Worthy.
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving

Narah Valenska Smith - 2018 - Happiness is Being The Real You - IMG_7777


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Create The Life You Really Want - Workshop Webinar by Narah Valenska Smith

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