How To Receive by Narah Valenska Smith

Learning to receive is a rite of passage in the human being experience. But I didn’t know this until I hit a major roadblock I couldn’t get past.

Giving had always been easy for me. As one of seven children, I had to share A LOT so I learned to give early on.

I continued giving as I grew up. Whether with friends, classmates, teachers, coworkers, bosses, employees, partners, and even strangers, I’d give all and then some.

Later, when I had more means, I kept right on giving to both people and institutions without a second thought. I happily gave time, money, work, and more – whatever was needed. Love I gave all the more!

It was so much fun to give! To me, it was literally heaven on earth. Give, give, give away! I gave freely and without expectation and never even thought about receiving in any way.

When the time came when I needed help, I never in a million years imagined I wouldn’t receive even as I’d never even considered the case. Deeply shocked and heartbroken, I blamed people for the pain I was enduring. When they’d needed support – whether financial or emotional – I’d supplied so much to help them navigate their way.

I was livid people were not there for me and literally felt like I hated them for their callousness, selfishness, and cold hearts.

However, after feeling my disappointment, disgust, and self-pity, I set out to understand through introspection exactly how I ended up where I was and why I’d been dealt such an unexpected hand.

I Didn’t Know How To Receive

The reason for my happenings and state of being was as simple as all universal truths are. I quite simply didn’t know how to receive… and I needed to learn this skill in order to be able to fully give.

This is life, after all – a school full of lessons for our full becoming. As I clearly was naive and uneducated about people, life, the world, and myself in this area of giving AND receiving, it was brought to me in order to learn.

I really had no idea I’d have to learn how to receive in the same way I’d learned to give though. But that is life 101. We have to learn everything!

As the Bible says, people are destroyed (and perish) for lack of knowledge! I certainly was for a time and I can so easily see others definitely are every.single.day.

When I went through this, I thought my broken heart, mean people and circumstances were what I was dealing with. Others think they are dealing with their issues, anxiety, depression, or PTSD. Neither is the case.

In general, human beings believe life is about their situations and the demanding, difficult people – partners, kids, exes, bosses – they deal with. This includes the politics and government, et cetera, that are part of their daily lives and more.

Most people feel frustrated and angry at “THEM” and all that they think is causing them pain from “outside” of themselves.

But is is not “them” causing our own personal blocks and impasse.

Regardless of our circumstances (which could indeed be 100% valid and trueand, most definitely, are to each of us), we must look at ourselves. Not knowing what we need to know is what is keeping us stuck.

Focus On YOUR Personal Growth

Don’t get me wrong though… there is no excuse for anyone’s behavior toward you and the circumstances you may find yourself in that another may have their hand in. However, you are not “their” victim and your focus must be on your power over your own issues if you want to overcome them.

Your direct attention must be on the fact that you are the one who has no awareness of what’s really so with yourself. You are the one with no knowledge on how to fully access your true self and inner strength.

You are also the one who can choose to awaken, get emotionally fit, and the life tools, techniques, and strategies to deal with the “issues” you think are preventing you from being free!

The challenge is people do not even know they don’t know this. And I can tell you this because that was me not so long ago.

Even as my spiritual journey began 25 years ago when I was 22-23 years old (I am now 48), I say my REAL journey only truly began when I realized last year (2019) that I didn’t know how to receive. That’s because that’s when I finally understood what it meant to not know to my core that I was worthy to receive all I wanted.

When I saw just how deep self-doubt and lack of love – and self-love, in particular – were drowning me even as I was positive and generally happy, I was fully awakened to the truth – and POWER – of my inner being which is the Power of God inside of me.

Until then, I did not know that I did not know how to receive. All I knew was what I didn’t have and everything I was struggling with.

Do You Know How To Receive?

So, here’s the deal…

Life is an ALL or NOTHING proposition. Either you…

As I always say, it’s that simple. And it truly is. But do notice I didn’t say it was easy as such is the paradox of life.

Here’s the bottom line… when we don’t have what we want, it is because we don’t know how to receive. We don’t think we are worthy. Yet, we obviously are since the desire is there in our minds and hearts.

Since we all have unlimited access to life, YOU have the same opportunity and ability as I did to get this at core level.

That’s where these desires are coming from!

The thing is YOU need to decide to actually allow what you say you want.

You’ve got to want to be happy and free of the b.s. and to live a wonderful life once and for all.

The only requirement is to be willing to be free of your self-imposed limitations.

How To Learn To Receive

And here’s how you do that from what I learned in my long journey which is now there for your instant benefit… IF you will allow it, of course:

Everything evolves from there but YOU ARE THE ONE WHO GETS TO DECIDE whether you live from fear and lack and misery OR from love and abundance and joy.

It really is as simple as that!

All my love to you always,

Narah Valenska Signature - Writer - Speaker - Life Purpose - NarahValenskaDotCom

Narah Valenska
β€œLife is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving | #RockYourLife

Monday, August 10th, 2020 / Tuesday, August 11th, 2020
9:15 AM | 12:08 PM / 4:57 AM | 5:59 AM
Miami, FL



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