
Daily Real Blog 015 – Things Take Time

DAILY REAL BLOG - Things Take Time by Life Writer Life Speaker Life Coach Narah Valenska Smith

Just like a baby takes time to form in a woman’s womb, things take time to get accomplished. Everything takes time but most people don’t have the patience to see things through to their own detriment and to the loss of everyone else. I am proud today of all that I have accomplished precisely because, […]

How To Know What The Right Thing To Do Is

TWITTER DAILY REAL BLOG - How To Know What The Right Thing To Do Is by Life Writer Life Speaker Life Coach Narah Valenska Smith

I know from personal experience that doing the right thing is often not easy. In fact, my life altered in late 2008 / early 2009 due to my doing what I knew to the depths of my soul was the right thing while everyone around me either questioned it or completely disagreed. Nine years later, […]

Take Action

Take Action by Narah Valenska Smith

If you want your life to work, you’ve gotta take action. Unfortunately, the only way people do is when they realize the value of themselves and their lives and their time of this planet. Here’s what I wrote on Facebook on this topic: TIME… soooo many people waste it. They’re either unaware and unconscious about that […]

Let’s Talk About Anxiety – Vlog – DailyReal 002

Narah Valenska Smith Blog - Let's Talk About Anxiety - October 8th, 2017

Although I had a different topic planned for the second video in my new DailyReal vlog series, I decided to speak about anxiety instead since so many people are suffering from it. I wrote the following on my Facebook page yesterday when I posted. This video has captions as I was speaking in a low voice due to the early […]

Documenting My Journey – Vlog – DailyReal 001

DailyReal 001 - Documenting My Journey - Narah Valenska Smith

My new DailyReal vlog series is finally here and I wrote the following on my Facebook page yesterday when I posted my first video! I am SO excited to share it here now on my website in addition to my page in case you’re not on there. Also, I want you to know that I have a YouTube channel and playlist for […]