
Narah Valenska Smith Blog - Hello October - October 1st 2017

Hello, October! And hello you! :)  It’s been a while since I’ve been here and nothing makes me happier than to return.

If you’ve been here before, you may have noticed there are no old posts. I purposefully took them down to begin 100% anew. You see, when I resolve to move forward to a new era in my life, I refuse to hold on to my old self or past. I used to and it was the death of me many-a-times… until I learned my lesson, that is.

I don’t completely cut myself or my past and its lessons off, don’t get me wrong. What I do, however, is carry only the good that I learned forward. I believe that shows up in who I became in the process and not in the process itself. So, whether you’re old or new to this blog, and although I may later bring those old posts back up if just for reference, we begin here TODAY together! :)

Hello, October!

And so I say it again: Hello, October!  

Fall time is, hands down, my favorite time of the year. I love the weather, the leaves turning (even though they don’t in Miami where I currently am), being able to take a moment to assess where I’m at since the kids are back to school. Doing so has me see there are 3 more months of the year to go and that much can still be accomplished. Somehow, instead of winding down, fall has a way of encouraging me to keep moving and I like really that.

October, in particular, is my birthday month too so that’s probably another reason why I’m fond of this time of the year. This is when I take stock of where I’m at and where I want to go.

What’s Coming Up?

That being said, I’m excited to not just be back to story-tell here on this blog but also to return to provide my personal development tips and life design services on my RealYouLiving.com website. This is my true work, my great work, if you will, what I was born to do.

I’m here to…

share my life and all I’ve learned to help people take a look at life, and their lives in particular, through my writing, speaking and coaching.

help people connect to their hearts so they can become whom they are called to be.

help people put together the puzzle pieces of their lives to create the life they really want and reveal the masterpiece that they are in the grand scheme of things.

This – my writing, speaking and coaching to help people thrive in life – is like oxygen to me. When I’m doing it, I myself am thriving. When I’m not, I’m literally stagnating and dying. It’s that simple. So, just as simply, I made a choice to return and I’m acting on it. Best thing I’ve done in a long, long while. ;)

I’m SO excited to be with you again! I look forward to sharing myself and my life with you with the same intention I always have – that it helps you with your own. Please feel free to reach out to me via the comments or direct message on my Facebook page. I am here for you! ❤️️

All my love to you always,
Narah Valenska Smith - Writer - NarahValenska.com - Writing. Speaking. Heart to heart. Soul to soul. You Are Worthy.
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife


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