
Daily Real Blog 014 – How To Create Daily Habits and Rituals

Everyone agrees that when you create daily habits, your life changes. The question, however, is how exactly do you create daily habits? What is the mindset AND heartset™ change that needs to occur for you to then take action accordingly without excuses stopping you or other things getting in the way? In other words, how do […]

Daily Real Blog 013 – Failing Forward

DAILY REAL BLOG - Failing Forward by Life Writer Life Speaker Life Coach Narah Valenska Smith

Failure is not the most fun thing in the world but it is a necessary experience and if you’re failing forward, it is actually a good thing. What does failing forward mean? Failing forward means learning from your mistakes. It is the act of using mistakes as your stepping stones to do better in your next […]

The Beauty of Imperfection

DAILY REAL BLOG - The Beauty of Imperfection by Life Writer Life Speaker Life Coach Narah Valenska Smith

A couple of years ago, my youngest son gave me this drawing which perfectly represents what I wanted to write about today: the beauty of imperfection. This topic came to me yesterday as I was writing my DailyReal blog 011 Simple Systems Are Key To Success. I don’t even remember now what I was thinking […]

Simple Systems Are Key To Success

DAILY REAL BLOG - Simple Systems by Life Writer Life Speaker Life Coach Narah Valenska Smith

I am putting simple systems in place in my life. I do this regularly and have done so for many years but got off my game last year while working for an account what seemed like 24/7/365 so I am resetting myself up now. That’s life. Sometimes we get off course; the point is always […]

Inspiring Others By How You Live

DAILY REAL BLOG - Inspiring Others By How You Live by Life Writer Life Speaker Life Coach Narah Valenska Smith

I love people in the world who are inspiring others by how they live. Here’s what’s interesting about these people… every single one of them did not really set out to do so; they only set out to be their best selves somehow. They decided to dig deep and create what it was they were […]